Category: Child Custody

Getting through the holidays during a divorce with children

Like other Sugar Land residents before them, some couples are facing a holiday season during the end of their marriage. Getting through the holidays may be difficult enough for the parents, and it can be even more challenging for the children. Fortunately, a divorce…

What to do if the other parent denies or interferes in visitation

Not every couple who divorces can fit into the co-parenting mold that is so popular these days. Parents who go on vacation and spend holidays together with the children may represent a smaller portion of co-parents than people think. Talking to other Sugar…

Establishing paternity in child custody cases may be challenging

Since not all parents are married, state law provides a procedure to establish paternity. Once a court rules a particular man is the legal father of a child, he gains all the rights and responsibilities that go with being a parent, including pursuing…

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