Category: Drug Crimes

Over 80 charged with drug crimes in Austin

Many Texas cities cite problem areas where alleged drug activities occur. Often, undercover police officers infiltrate locations where drug crimes are suspected. Recently, Austin police officers issued warrants for over 80 people following a month-long operation. The Street Narcotics Team of the Austin…

Man, woman charged with drug crimes following search of motel

Search warrants are often obtained by police officers in Texas when illicit activity is suspected. In many cases, information is provided to the police and they make a determination if further investigation is required. There are specific guidelines that must be followed to…

Drug crimes: Kush lab found in Houston apartment complex

Texas is experiencing an increased number of incidents involving a synthetic drug named kush. Considered a synthetic cannabinoid, kush has a similar effect on its users as marijuana. As Houston has become a major hub for the manufacturing and distribution of the substance,…

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