Category: High Asset Divorce

Credit card issues can affect a Texas divorce

Many Texas residents have credit card accounts. Some may have another person listed as an authorized user on their accounts. Some married couples do this. There are also many spouses who jointly own their credit card accounts, which, in the case of a…

Divorce: Ways to avoid contention

Divorce is stressful enough without becoming entangled in a contentious courtroom battle. It’s understandable that you and your ex don’t see eye-to-eye on certain issues. In fact, it wouldn’t be surprising if one or more of those issues were causal factors that prompted…

Divorce issues that affect older couples the most

There is no way to predict which Texas marriages will last a lifetime and which will not. However, data shows that, among older spouses, divorce has been consistently on the rise for about the last 20 years. Ending a marriage at age 50…

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