Category: High Asset Divorce

Retirement accounts may be only way to avoid 2019 alimony taxes

Divorces can often drag out over a long period of time, but high asset individuals may want to take steps to finalize their agreements sooner than later. Under new tax laws, people who divorce after Dec. 31, 2018 will no longer be able…

Misunderstanding of separate versus community assets in divorce

Couples or individuals can often get tripped up with common mistakes during a divorce. For Texas divorcees, these often result from misunderstandings of family law and financial mismanagement. Whether it’s a misunderstanding of separate versus community property or reckless financial behavior following a separation,…

Divorce involving retirement accounts, other assets can be tricky

Sometimes, marriages in Texas come to an end no matter how hard couples try to make them work. However, that does not necessarily mean the divorce process has to be a drug-out, painful one. This is true even if two spouses may not…

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