Category: High Asset Divorce

Splitting assets such as retirement accounts can get dicey

Staying married to the same person long term sometimes is impossible due to irreconcilable differences. However, getting through a divorce can sometimes feel like an impossible feat at the start as well. A couple of tips may help individuals in Texas who are…

Dividing assets, like retirement accounts, may be unavoidable

Many couples in Texas and elsewhere are struggling with their marriages but are simultaneously trying to make their marriages work. However, in some cases, divorce is inevitable, in which case, spouses must tackle issues such as the division of retirement accounts and other…

Settlement agreement can cover retirement accounts, other assets

Negotiating with a future ex-spouse on a settlement agreement in Texas may seem like an arduous mountain hike. However, the process does not have to be difficult. A couple of tips may help with negotiating divorce settlements, especially when dealing with retirement accounts…

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