The Love DuCote Law Firm LLC Legal Blog

What should divorce prep look like?

While there are guidelines in Texas regarding child custody, alimony and other family law issues, ending a marriage in court never looks the exactly the same. What works for one individual may not necessarily be applicable to another divorce proceeding. However, there are…

Child custody tips for non-custodial parents

Texas parents often worry about their children, especially if a life-changing event occurs that disrupts their normal routine, such as divorce. When a parent signs a child custody agreement, he or she has the kids’ best interests in mind. It can be challenging…

Who gets spousal support in a Texas divorce?

Divorce will bring financial changes to both parties, but the economic impacts can be especially significant for the lesser-earning spouse. Typically, the lesser-earning or financially dependent spouse may be eligible to receive financial support from the other spouse. In Texas, this type of…

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