The Love DuCote Law Firm LLC Legal Blog

Settling or going to trial: Which is best for your divorce?

When a couple decides to get a divorce, they may find that they have a lot of major issues to work out. Some of the most common issues may include: Asset and debt division Alimony or spousal support Child custody and parenting time…

Parental alienation harms children caught in the middle

An acrimonious divorce between parents in Sugarland can lead to lingering negative feelings even after the final divorce papers are signed. Child custody can be an especially thorny issue. Both parents may want to spend as much time with their child as possible…

How mediation can reduce the stress of a divorce

When a Houston couple contemplates a divorce, most spouses anticipate a lengthy process filled with anger, accusation and nearly unbearable stress. These fears are multiplied if the couple has young children or if they must divide substantial assets. The Texas family bar and…

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